
Skitter - Chapter 8 - Reference Library

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Email: dogsbody@dogsbodynet.com     Home: https://dogsbodynet.com

Table of Contents:
    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Install Skitter
    3.0 Performance Files
    4.0 Motion Editing
    5.0 LED Editing
    6.0 MIDI Sound Editing
    7.0 Wave Sound Editing
    8.0 The Reference Library
         8.1 Drag into Skitter Desktop
         8.2 Drag into Open Document
         8.3 Copy/Paste from Library
         8.4 Library Management
         8.5 Undo Library Changes
    9.0 The AIBO Window
    10.0 Test Actions on AIBO
    11.0 Upload Actions to AIBO
    12.0 Specify Preferences


8.0 The Reference Library

Skitter now includes a library of skits you can reuse easily.   Sometimes its much easier to create a skit by reusing bits from others.

Most of the library was generously donated by Aibopet, and includes skits in the various standard postures.   There are also a few miscellaneous skits from DogsLife, and a folder of dance move snippets to make situp dances easier to make.

A preview window allows reviewing library entries beforehand.   Skitter automatically converts the library preview to match the current AIBO platform.

Lastly, you can add new folders, rename folders or skits, & add your own skits to the reference library.

Please note library changes are only saved when you exit Skitter, and can be undone anytime before.

Current Position Marker

8.1  Drag into Skitter Desktop

The library supports drag-n-drop to the Skitter desktop.

This will open a new document, containing a copy of the library entry.    If the library entry is a full action (motion/led/sound), then all three elements are opened.
Library Drag to Skitter Desktop

8.2  Drag into Open Document

The library supports drag-n-drop insertion into existing open AIBO documents.

If the library entry contains motion/led/sound, then elements are multi-pasted into all open editors of the document.

Skitter auto-converts inserted library documents automatically.

Library Drag to Open Document

8.3  Copy/Paste From Library

This method also inserts into existing open documents.

However, it permits copying just portions of a library element.   If there is a small snippet you like, you can copy just it.

Press a SHIFT key and select the range of interest.   From the right-click menu, choose "Copy" (or hit CTRL-C).

One additional difference...   The Orange selection bar moves to the end of the paste.   This is -very- useful when building dances from the "Situp Dance Moves" folder.
Copy/Paste from Library

8.4  Library Management

The library works much like Windows Explorer.   You can copy files to/from and within the library.    You can also add/remove folders using the right click menu.

New Library Folder
8.4.1  Create New Library Folder

Right click on the library.  Select "New Folder".

A new empty folder appears.   Click on the folder, or select "Rename" from the right click menu to assign a meaningful name.

8.4.2  Adding Files to the Library

Skitter supports drag-n-drop copying of files into the library.   You can drag from Window desktop or any folder.  

You can also create local copies of library entries.  Select an entry, press CTRL, and drag the copy to its new location.

Add file to library

8.5  Undo Library Changes

You can undo all library changes you've made since starting the Skitter.    The library is reloaded from disk, and restored to its startup state (when you started Skitter).

Library changes are only saved when you exit Skitter.

Library Undo All

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"AIBO" is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  "AIBO Master Studio", "R-Code", and "Memory Stick" are trademarks of Sony Corporation.